Thursday, August 03, 2006

Dangerous Waters

I haven't posted in a while, mostly because between schvitzing, unpacking, working, and more schvitzing (and maybe a little sleep and nosh), I've been too buzy and/or too tired. However, I think most people can cite the major Jewish news topics for the past few weeks, and I'll now boldly go where I probably shouldn't go in discussing them.

First off, allow me to comment on Mel Gibson. Obviously, he's not well in the head, and I don't particularly like his points of view. However, is it wrong of me to think he has the right to his opinion, however demented it may be, so long as he does nothing violent or harmful as a consequence?

Secondly, the Middle East. I'll start simple - I don't like terrorists. I don't like rockets, bombs, missles, or other deadly devices being aimed at good, innocent people. However, I apply that last sentence to both sides, even when I can identify a "good guy" in the fight. I agree that groups like Hezbollah, acting through violence as their primary means of action, need to be defended against, but I want deeply to believe there's a way to do it other than exterminating them, and in the process exterminating thousands of others who may not feel the same way. I realize this point of view may be overly idealistic, but I just can't bring myself to say that I support Israel without reservation - at some point, the wars must stop.

I am a Jew; I am an American; I am NOT an Israeli; and I am a human being. One day I hope that last statement will mean that I'm more than just an animal fighting for survival. Until then, may God bless and forgive us all.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger Jeffrey Cohen said...

Mike, I agree with you. On the one hand, Israel must defend herself and cannot negotiate with terrorists. On the other hand, I wish there was another way. Purely pragmatically, I think Israel cannot win this fight and has played into the hands of the fundamentalist Muslims. The only way that Israel could "win" is to totally wipe out or marginalize Hezbollah. If Hezbollah is left with any military power (if they could still launch even one rocket), then they can claim to have stood up successfully to Israel's military might and would be the winners. Also, this has driven all of the Lebanese (who didn't really like Hezbollah in the beginning) into Hezbollah's arms. Not to mention undercutting the moderates elsewhere in the Arab world. I can't help thinking that Israel must have know this at the start and wishing that they had been able to come up with some other way.

I received an email today from a friend of mine who is a Lebanese-American and who is quite moderate on Middle-Eastern affairs. The email was titled, "Thank you America and Israel. Your smart bombs reached its targets" and showed a picture of an injured Lebanese child with his dying mother.

At 4:27 AM, Blogger valerief said...

Amen brother. I hate to sound like Iran, but I am neither for the Hezbollah terrorists, nor for the Israeli military/government machine that just blows shit up, but for the people in Lebanon and Israel caught in the middle that have to run for their lives and pick up the pieces. :People simplify this as Muslim vs. Jew, but there are several religious groups in Lebanon, including a large Christian minority. I was really looking forward to seeing Beirut at some point in the future, it was starting to re-emerge as a reasonably safe and attractive destination. Dammit.

miss you all back at home...


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